I work in a small office with a single rest room?
2013-11-20 07:10:58 UTC
There are four women and three men who work in the office. Today I had two pints of KFC coleslaw and a McDonald's strawberry shake for lunch. As a result, I filled the toilet with rancid and frothy yellowish diarrhea. Unfortunately, today the toilet decided to break. I could not flush it, so I had to leave the stew in the pot (so to speak). I was leaving the bathroom to go to my desk to write an out of order note to put on the door, but just as I left, one of my female co-workers walked in. Needless to say she stayed inside about 20 seconds, ran out looking rather ill and glared at me. She left the office and did not return. But my other colleagues were all whispering to each other and on the phone and glaring at me the rest of the day. Before I left for work, my boss (who works in another branch) said he needs to see me tomorrow about "an incident" that occurred in the office today. I think is has something to do with my diarrhea.

The problem is that last month, I had an accidental squirt while passing gas at work after eating several burritos (there was a special) at Taco Bell. I took my soiled undershorts off and thought I tossed them in the trash can. But actually I missed and they were on the floor. The cleaning lady was waiting outside for me to finish and thus knew I was the one to leave to leave the mess (though I swear to the Bible it was an accident!). She complained to her supervisor, and the cleaning company complained to my boss, who asked me to be more careful.

Now I am sure I am in big trouble - just because of my fast food diarrhea problems. Jesus Almighty, Son of Our Father Who Art in Heaven, whatever shall I do?
Twelve answers:
2013-11-20 10:57:31 UTC
ROFL!!!! hahahaha I'm sorry but, that's hilarious. "Stew in the pot." I hollered. Hehe! I can just say be careful next, time. Please check twice even three times to make sure you've cleaned behind yourself. And as far as the toilet backing up, **** happens. Get it? LOL! No, but seriously. That wasn't your fault. Although I would be more careful of the fast food I eat. Some of it does indeed make you gassy.
2013-11-21 15:36:50 UTC
You can start by controlling your dietary intake while at work.

Nobody just tosses soiled underwear on the floor and leaves them unless they are completly irresponsible. You can't tell me that you didn't watch them fall to the floor.

You deserve whatever it is you get.
2013-11-20 16:15:15 UTC
2013-11-21 04:20:22 UTC
see a physician immediately !! change your diet to white rice and peas. peas were used by the egyptians as an anti-diarrhetic. i hope you like eating your vegetables
2013-11-20 22:13:46 UTC
High fiber diet, Wear depends and don't let the turd burglars catch you doing that again.
2013-11-20 15:12:05 UTC
Stop eating fast fooooooooooooooood
2013-11-20 20:46:25 UTC
Stop trolling, and quit "eating" fast food.
2013-11-20 17:24:57 UTC
We get it, we get it... fast food is not healthy. Thanks Mr Obvious. Humorous descriptions, though! You did compel me to read the whole story, thumbs up.
2013-11-20 15:30:55 UTC
u have a great imagination

i dont believe a word u just wrote
2013-11-20 16:47:44 UTC
ew..pot of stew
2013-11-20 15:29:26 UTC
Never trust a fart.
2013-11-21 03:46:29 UTC
you can't be for real

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.