Should fast food restaurants be held responsible for obesity?
2007-06-01 14:01:31 UTC
Before you say no, think of this: some people are gonna say that its the people's fault for going there and its not like fast food restaurants are putting a gun to your head and making you eat there. BUT...the companies are taking advantage of the lack of self-control ppl have and offereing a LARGE amount of quantity for a cheap price which makes ppl think that its a good idea...and because of this, fast food restaurants are indirectly forcing ppl to go read this before you say no...
43 answers:
george 2
2007-06-01 14:05:44 UTC
i read it and still say no. its about time people take their own blame for their actions and quit blaming everything and everybody else for their mistakes!!!
sam s
2007-06-02 05:57:19 UTC

Why? because people have a choice of buying fast food and not buying fast food... if a big mac and some healthy food was put infront of a me, I'd chose the healthy option BUT another person may choose the unhealthy option, it's all dependant on a persons lifestyle and what they eat, just because fast food is available doesn't mean that you have to eat it, within moderation is okay but eating at them places everyday can affect a persons health badly, as people well know!

Too many people give into things really easy..

So thereforeeee no I don't think fast food restaurants should be held responsible for obesity.
2007-06-01 17:09:20 UTC
Well I was going to say no... but I read your paragraph, I think you're absolutely correct fast food restaurants should be serving large quantities of food like a buffet, put people have to have a limit... they have to know when they are full, not stuff all the food they can possibly eat until they can faint, yes it is the fats food companies fault but, it is the person who eats large quantities of fault too, if you know you're going to pig out in a fats food restaurant you're better pigging out on fruits and veggies, However I do understand your point... I cannot believe that in McDonald's they are putting chicken in salads even though it might taste good its absurd... I have tasted that salad before with chicken and to tell you the truth I didn't enjoy it... the next day I woke up from food poisoning from the salad...I hope this is helpful
2007-06-01 14:19:59 UTC
NO NO NO! Low self esteem is not the responsibility of food service restaurants, it is a problem that the individual needs to deal with on their own or with the help of a professional. Unlike cigarettes that are addictive, fast food is a just a guilty pleasure! I know several people that are obese that don't eat fast food, they just simply over eat or eat the wrong type of foods. Does this mean that we should not be allowed to sell snack items to overweight people in grocery stores? Big brother mentality does more harm than good in the long term. It also limits our freedom to choose and we have given up too many freedoms already. Where does this type of thinking end? Should we put a scale at every checkout stand and limit what type of foods can be purchased?
2007-06-01 14:55:32 UTC
I don't know anyone who is obese because they eat fast food. Most people go there...what, like once a week, if that? People are obese because they eat too much, have a medical condition, etc. I'm sure some people might go there every day, but if they do, that's their own fault. Fast Food companies are not forcing anyone to eat at their restaurants. People have choices. When people pull in to McDonald's Drive-Thru, they know the food is not good for them, & they eat it anyways. Why do people like it? It's fast, they didn't have to make it, & it's cheap. They don't go there because the Fast Food companies are forcing themselves on them.
2007-06-02 16:29:56 UTC
I've read it and the answer is still no. The fast food restaurants are not "indirectly forcing people to go there." You give the fast food restaurants way too much credit and obese people not enough responsibility.
robert w
2007-06-01 14:53:21 UTC
Unless they stuff the food in your mouth without your consent, they should not be responsible. Funny...I was thinking about suing my mama, because she always made great dinner for me, and I could never resist her great cooking when I visit her.

If I ever gain weight due to her cooking during the holidays, then I guess I should slap her with a lawsuit.

People with no self control should try to work on their self control, and the fast food places have disclosed the fat content of their menu for years. I was a addict for french-fries for years, until I started to eat only 1/2 of order, and discard the remaining, then slowly eating lesser amount and then completely not ordering any fries.

A little self discipline and self respect, can carry to many other successes in you life. Always look within, and don't blame others for not meeting your goals..especially those goals which no one is trying to stop you-the easy kind.
Leila S.
2007-06-01 14:42:01 UTC
Is it the laundromat's fault your clothes are clean? Is it the tree's fault you ran into it? Is it the candy bar's fault you ate it? Is it the sun's fault you got sun burnt? No, it's all your fault, you clean your laundry, you ran into the tree, you ate the candy bar, you went outside and didn't wear sunscreen.

It is not the fast food restaurants fault that people are obese. The restaurant does not have the power to make someone obese. There are plenty of other cheap options for food, and people KNOW it is not healthy for them. Therefore, it is each individual person's fault for not chosing a healthier food option than a fast food restaurant.
2007-06-01 14:16:33 UTC
ok, i read what you said.. and it still is not a good point. First of all, fast food, a lot of them if not all the big ones now have healthy menu's as well and promote them quite heavily.

"taking advantage" of people's self control is also not a good point. Self control is what it is defined as, control of one self, if you don't have it, get it or find out how to get it. God gave us free will, and if not god, our genes did. We are not animals that need to eat anything in front of us. We have choices to make in life.

How the hell would they be held responsible for it anyway? give them free meals? pay the money? money for what? more food?

I do understand that some people have some mental, physical and socioeconomic issues that cause them to feel like they have to go eat junk food to stay alive. But nobody is really stopping them from working out right? Or be involved in more activities.

Even if the fastfood industry is "indirectly forcing" people to go to their restaurants... get something healthier... get the grilled chicken sandwich instead of the 1/3 pound guacamole burger..... get the salad.. get a diet coke..

not only would holding fastfood restaurants responsible not do anything to help obese people.... it would make them greedy for money as well as lazy bastards.. another deadly sin..

email me if you want to argue this point!
2007-06-01 14:14:00 UTC
Of course not! So a person has lack of self control and goes to McDonalds everyday to eat. And he gets fat. Whose fault is that? The guy with no self control.

If fast food chains are held responsible for obesity, then shopping malls should be held repsonsible for bankruptcy--so stupid!

Fast food is to be eaten not daily but once in a while. And for the people who can't figure out for themselves why they're fat and they won't stop eating fast food then whose fault is that? It's their own fault.
2007-06-01 14:08:13 UTC
I hate to tell you but what about holding each one accountable. So when you have a car accident it is the automaker fault? Or let say you smoke and fall asleep it is the cigarette maker fault you burn the house or let say you are eating a plum and the seed chokes you to death it is the store that sold you the fruit responsible. Come on stop the madness, it is the choices you make good or bad the result of the consequences. If you are not smart enough to know what is good or bad well call your dad.
2007-06-02 11:30:56 UTC
they shouldnt be held responsible,but the problem with the majority of obese people is that they eat for comfort.if they can get large portions for little money,then they want good value,as they are going every day or whatever. they then get addicted and then keep going back for more.obviously the fast food companies want regular custom,so they lure people in with super sizing,or whatever. so really the obese person is caught in a bad place,and need to learn to stay away,it is like someone giving up cigarettes or alcohol i guess.
2007-06-03 08:11:18 UTC
it is not the responsibility of food restaurants to control what their customers eat or how much. They have to offer a competitive amount of food at a reasonable price or no one will eat there. It is our responsibility to eat the correct amount of food, you can always take the leftovers home and have them latter. The only one that can control what we do is ourselves. People need to stop trying to blame someone else and take responsibility for their own actions.
Audi Princess
2007-06-01 15:03:56 UTC
Hell no. If obese people would stop eating so damn much then they wouldn't have a problem. Its called working out and eating right. Fast food places do not force the fries and burgers down your throat I don't care how cheap it is. Plus, most places have healthy stuff to choose from now.
2007-06-01 14:25:06 UTC
Each adult or person wishing to be treated like an adult is responsible for their own actions. That includes what you put in your mouth, as well as what comes out of it.

Fast food is not cheap food - buy basic ingredients and cooking is less expensive and more healthy.

Was 316 a year ago. Now down 90. Take responsibility.
2007-06-01 16:25:46 UTC
I still say no, fast food restaurants are not to blame for obesity. Having a big mac once in a while doesn't cause obesity. a persons life style and eating habit do
2007-06-01 15:55:23 UTC
You are blaming all fast food restaurants for serving good food at cheap prices. That's idiotic.

I love fast food, but I know not to go their every day.

If you have no self-control its not the problem of anyone but you Self-control something you must control yourself, not hold restaurants responsible.

2007-06-01 15:42:58 UTC
Do you agree with the following paragraph?

"Abercrombie & Fitch should be held responsible for people going into debt buying their clothes. They make it seem that if people wear their clothes, they'll be young, good-looking and sexy. They prey on people's lack of self-control and cause people to run up huge credit card bills. So indirectly they are forcing people to buy their clothes."

I'm overweight and the only person to blame is myself. Not anyone else. I'm not a victim. People need to take responsibility for their own destructive behavior. They need to stop blaming others.

What ever happened to personal accountability?
2007-06-01 14:14:41 UTC
Sure they should. We live in a society where nothing is ever the individuals fault. I say we keep babying everyone and hold everyone else responsible so these people can feel good about themselves. If your not smart enough to have a little self control or self discipline then you deserve whatever situation you find yourself in.
2007-06-01 14:08:12 UTC

i admit i go to fast food restaurants sometimes even though i shouldn't, and i'll be the first to admit it's my own fault!

the only people i do have sympathy for are those living in poverty, surrounded by fast food restaurants. in situations like that, it's nearly impossible to avoid getting such cheap (but fat) food. the government should be looking out for these people and providing more resources for healthy food, but of course this won't happen
2007-06-02 17:53:28 UTC
Personally no, i do feel they should decrease some of the fat/salt they do put in to the minimum possible BUT its up to the person to decide where they go and what they eat. Although as u said, yes some people have low self control, but i dont think its to hard to walk past a door and go make ur own food.. or go in and think 'ill order the healthier option'. alot of it is due to lazyness, as u dont need to call or go to these places. i am one of those who loves take-aways liek anyone else but i limit myself. people who go in everyday, there is no need and that is there fault. but once a week should be fine.
2016-04-01 14:02:39 UTC
No, It should be the person's responsibility to know about the precautions of eating too much fast food or smoking cigarettes over the long term.
2007-06-04 02:03:24 UTC
Should General Motors be held resposible for car accidents? As to why people eat fast food it is not because it is such a value, though they may say that. It is really because most people think that doing domestic work (cooking and cleaning) is beneath them.
2007-06-01 14:47:12 UTC
Thats just like saying should gun componies be responsible for all the deaths caused by guns. People have a choice, and they need to live with the choice they make and stop blaming other people.
2007-06-01 14:10:31 UTC

i still say they didn't force them to eat out.

its a self choice from the beginning, God gave us free will and also he gave us the mind capacity to think about what to intake regarding foods.

everyone knows that eating at home is

more healthy!

by the way babe! they are just trying to run a business this is the reason why they have lower prices. I'm sure the corp. doesn't get together and say. This wk we will find a way to get more Americans idiots fat! its ludicrous!
2007-06-01 14:23:03 UTC
Read it & say NO also.

There has been enough publicity for anyone to realize that fast food is high calorie junk.

Not defending the industry at all, but people have to take responsibility for their own health issues.
2007-06-01 14:06:06 UTC
What kind of question is that? Have we not learned from the McDonald's lawsuit that the answer is no. Fat people are fat because they can't shut their mouths off every once in a while. If you are fat stop eating and do something worth while other than eating, get of the couch and ride bike or something.
2007-06-01 14:14:20 UTC
No I'm sorry but your argument is not logical people have to accept consequances for their actions if Ronald or that creepy burger king guy tied you down and force fed you than yes but not being able to practice self-control no way
2007-06-05 05:44:26 UTC
I would say its both..the people that eat there and the establishment. You know burgers arent that bad for you..but the fattttening..and clogging to your arteries..I usually order mine w/o mayo and ketchup..extra pickles..and mustard no I dont feel too bad when leaving there. I rarely go out to eat..but I do love a good whopper..hold the mayo and ketchup...extra pickles..YUMMO!
2007-06-01 14:11:32 UTC
No I do not think they should because, it is the person who chooses to go to the fast food place.
2007-06-04 16:17:55 UTC
The responsibility for obesity rests with each individual.
2007-06-01 15:36:54 UTC
The companies are giving them the food because if they don't someone else will, and if nobody makes the food then they will make it for themselves.
2007-06-05 07:42:34 UTC
Nope. A large combo is not cheaper than a sandwich and a water(free), which is all you really need especially if you have veggies on your sandwich.
2007-06-01 14:06:37 UTC
no way they did not throw the food in ur mouth and make u swallow it and u can eat very well at fast food places and with low fat content
Christina M
2007-06-05 10:41:43 UTC
Give me a break - people need to control themselves. If they told you to go large then dive off a cliff would you do it?
2007-06-04 16:05:56 UTC
I still say, HELL no! Since when is it up to a corporation to regulate stupidity?
2007-06-02 17:35:43 UTC
2 words.


as americans we have lost sight of this. we blame others for our problems.

you're fat, get over it. don't go to McDonald's.

eat a salad at home.
2007-06-01 14:09:12 UTC
nope no one is forcing someone to eat there
2007-06-01 14:09:36 UTC's still the peoples fault
JLo #1 fan
2007-06-02 09:11:46 UTC
What do obesity mean
2007-06-01 14:17:56 UTC
The choice, is really yours.
2007-06-01 14:04:55 UTC
hell no

u don't have to go in2 the shop and but it

i don't
*~Oo `PaLOmiTa` oO~*
2007-06-01 16:49:25 UTC
HELLLLLLLLLLLL YAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! they r responsible for god damn obesidy!!!!!!

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