McDonald’s Careers
We believe the best people in the world work right here. And we believe you could be one of them. You’ve got enthusiasm, responsibility and drive. We’ve got flexible schedules, benefits and jobs that can turn into satisfying careers. It’s a perfect match.
Just ask the 62,000 new employees who joined our team through our first-ever National Hiring Day. Drawn by opportunities like innovative training programs and the chance for a lifelong career, the vitality and diversity of these outstanding folks can be felt in our restaurants and in your communities. To everyone in our 761,000-member family we say, "Welcome to McDonald's."
Working Here
We believe the words “Welcome to McDonald’s” should apply to our employees just as much as our customers. We’re proud of our food, and we’re just as proud of the jobs we create.
Restaurant Opportunities
Corporate Opportunities
Maybe it’s a way to buy that first car. It could be a way to support yourself in college. Or it might be the way you enter the corporate world. Whatever you’re looking for, McDonald’s can help you make your own way, with challenging careers, quality benefits and the best opportunities around.
Flexible Schedules
We believe in flexible schedules that fit into the way you live your life and can help you reach your goals. We’ll also give you the mentorship and guidance you need to succeed.
Celebrating Diversity
We believe that different people, from different backgrounds, with different interests, combine to make our ideal work force. McDonald’s is committed to diversity in hiring—actually, we’re an industry leader—from our restaurants to our supplier networks to our owners.
Grow With Us
McDonald’s gives you the tools you need to succeed, whether it’s the chance to own your own restaurant or tackle the corporate ladder. To be the best company we can, we have to offer the best opportunities, and we’d like to believe that some of the best ones around are right here.
In our General Manager Business Leadership Capstone, participants learn to:
Think and perform in ways to improve their restaurant performance
Apply leadership behaviors to improve their and their team’s performance
Assess how decisions impact the Restaurant, the Organization, the Region, and the Brand
Leverage best practices from collaboration with course peers and apply them on the job
Evaluate how decisions impact people, QSC&V, sales, and profit
Plan for short-term and long-term goals of a restaurant
Project and plan for the restaurant’s staffing needs
Discover how manager and crew schedules impact morale, QSC&V, sales and profit
Discover how succession planning improves business results
Manage labor costs versus cutting labor and its impact to the business
Establish and build relationships with community leaders to successfully implement planned events
McDonald’s Business Leadership Practices training provides restaurant managers with:
An awareness of how adopting and fostering accountability can impact business results
An understanding of how creative thinking techniques can be applied to operational challenges within the restaurant
An understanding of how they can better develop restaurant talent to improve business results
An understanding of the social responsibility culture at McDonald's and with motivation and ideas for incorporating social responsibility activities into their businesses
Build fundamental business planning skills, and practice promoting a positive image of McDonald's in an effort to build community relationships
*2012 Survey