what do you think of pakistani indian food?
2006-05-28 17:16:46 UTC
i enjoy eating pakistani indian food a lot. I like pakistani food the best. My favorite place to eat pakistani indian food is a place called Pakwan. The one i like is on 3180 16th street san francisco,i go there a lot, i recommended to anyone who enjoys pakistani indian food or wants to try it, also i recommend tandoori chicken and chicken tikka masala with nan-they're great!!!
Five answers:
2006-05-28 17:17:27 UTC
I hate it...think it smells like B.O
2006-05-28 17:33:16 UTC
I think Indian Food ist great. It not only tasts good, it also looks good. Very colorful, I think. We have lots of Indian Restaurants here in Cary NC, also lots of Indian Stores. I buy all my spices there. Much cheaper then grocery stores. I dont know the difference between pakistani and indian food, etc., but I'm willing to try. I had my first taste of indian food in Germany, curry wurst, curry ketchup, and I was only a little kid then. I think the body odor smell is does smell like underarms..but I never had problems with smelly indian people...they are very clean.
2006-05-28 17:24:48 UTC
yummy! pakistani and indian food in CA is really good!

On the east coast it's a little different, but still good.
2006-05-29 15:03:08 UTC
Don't care for it.
2006-06-02 06:46:17 UTC
doont know never had any.

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