If it has a drive through window where you order and pick up your food - it is fast food.
If it offers combo meals and you order by number - it is fast food.
If it has bright colors and kid's meals - it is fast food.
If it doesn't have regular menus, but instead has back-lit menu boards and illuminated pictures of the foods - it is fast food.
If all the flooring is either tile or linoleum - it is most likely fast food.
If the employees never leave the behind-the-counter area except to cleean, it is fast food.
If they only have disposable plates and cups - it is fast food.
If most of the food is to be eaten with the hands - it is fast food.
If they have monitors hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen that are timing how long it takes to get your order - it is fast food.
If every employee is wearing a bright colored polyester uniform - it is fast food.
If you have to unwrap your food - it is fast food.
If you meal was all tossed into a bag and given to you - it most certainly is fast food.